Sunday, April 26, 2009

Time is a healer?

It's been over 5 months. It pains me to sit in silence when all I hear is my own breathing.
My mind draws me back to great times with my best friend.
The silly this is I even miss her silent presence around the house.
These days I have many distractions to keep me occupied, but I find that in the evenings the brokenness is harder. I believe the test of my personal journey and my commitment to Christ highlights how far I have fallen from from grace. But He always have an exit. I know it is them He carries me. I will strive on and fight the good fight. The journey is only halfway and I don't think Pauline would want me to dwell in this mire of pity and loneliness.
Recently I have been going through our photographs to find one I have taken with her but most of them are either of Pauline or the scenery. That's the problem with being a photographer. However, last week my brother sent me one photo that he found in his camera. He took it during our trip to the Ancient Silk Road. What a photo moment to cherish. I still miss her.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Equitable Bushfire Relief

I was listening to 3AW, Neil Mitchell with Tom Elliott , discussing how the distribution can be equitable. Whichever way the state and federal government go in handing out bushfire relief, there will be those who will not be happy. Especially those with full or partial house and content insurance and those without.
Generally there are 4 general case senarios: All homes destroyed by the fire.
Home #1 - Fully insured and sufficient to cover rebulid
Home #2 - Insurance insufficient to cover rebuild
Home #3 - Uninsured – working family
Home #4 - Uninsured – family on pension or CentreLink allowance

The government should encourage ownership for the rebuilding of homes. Rather than just merely giving the bushfire funds out, the government should make the funds available as an interest-free loans to those who need the funds to rebuild.
To make it equitable for all, I have simply structured an incentive along side the assistance for everyone.
Home #1 is no funds required but they are entitled to tax deductible insurance premiums for the next 15 years.
Home #2 receives interest-free loan to cover the gap between insurance payout. Insurance premiums are tax deductible for 10 years. Repayment of the interest free loan term is assessed on the income of the family.
Home #3 receives interest-free loan to rebuild and repayment terms assessed on the income of the family.
Home #4 receives interest-free loan to rebuild and repayment terms assessed on the CentreLink assistance and small amounts are deducted.

This is a fair and just way to rebuild. The funds in the pool are then used for future assistance etc. This will give a sense of unity for those who have so generously given money and assistance to those who need the money. The principle is not new - refer to the hex education scheme.