Sunday, April 26, 2009

Time is a healer?

It's been over 5 months. It pains me to sit in silence when all I hear is my own breathing.
My mind draws me back to great times with my best friend.
The silly this is I even miss her silent presence around the house.
These days I have many distractions to keep me occupied, but I find that in the evenings the brokenness is harder. I believe the test of my personal journey and my commitment to Christ highlights how far I have fallen from from grace. But He always have an exit. I know it is them He carries me. I will strive on and fight the good fight. The journey is only halfway and I don't think Pauline would want me to dwell in this mire of pity and loneliness.
Recently I have been going through our photographs to find one I have taken with her but most of them are either of Pauline or the scenery. That's the problem with being a photographer. However, last week my brother sent me one photo that he found in his camera. He took it during our trip to the Ancient Silk Road. What a photo moment to cherish. I still miss her.