Saturday, August 19, 2006


Every journey to the airport always has its dramas. Ours was traffic. When we were on the way to Tullamarine to send Sarah off to Doha, news came on the radio that there was a bad accident on the freeway. A 40 min journey was looking like 2 hours. This gave me a lot of time to reflect on this journey.

It took me back to a time when I as a student going to London to pursue my tertiary studies. Similarly, my parents took me to the airport in their 1957 mission brown volkswagen (that's another story) It was my first journey to a far distant country and be on my own for the first time in my life even though my sister and brother were there. I was leaving the comfort and security of my parents. I remembered I had a T-shirt printed "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" Filled with trepidation. I moved on.

Yesterday evening, my mind was having a cerebral party. I felt so happy for her, so proud of her, so privileged to have her and so on and so forth. It is settled in my heart that this was indeed a milestone in both Sarah and our hearts. The child has indeed blossomed. What a spectrum of colours in her life! One undoubtedly she will never forget, even though we did miss another Char Siew rice dinner, on route to the airport, and settled for a Double Bacon meal at Hungry Jacks.

More shopping was to be had at the airport. An OS adapter and A short history of everything for Sarah to read during the 14 hour flight was good prescription. As I type this, it's around 6.10am in Doha and it's lunch time here. This reminds me to feed the Koi fish. They must be starving.

Gene is feverishly filling his forms for his travel to Doha in September and I this he is going through the same emotions. Have to remind him to get back to his home and have some time and a meal with his parents.

Now it time for me to put on my heater tradesman hat and get over to my parents house and see why their gas heater is not working. I think this tradesman wilprobablele call a rea one and fix the problem.

Well, I'd better go and feed the fish and myself.

A full inquiry and report of the heater problem will be made available soon.

Blogging for now.

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