Friday, August 25, 2006

To bee…

A couple of weeks ago, the Spring breath woke the hibernating fruit trees. Over the course of a week, fruit trees were full of blossoms. I have been a keen photographer. Emphasis here is on keen, I decided to log the events of Spring. While photographing a plum blossom, a bee (I don't think it's a wasp as wasp do not do the pollinating thing or do they?) flew on to one of the flowers. Busily scampering from flower to flower, I tracked the insect and took in excess of 40 shots to come up with a couple. I could have sworn that the bee looked me in the eye. Well that's what weekends are for.
I have always subscribed to view that to be the best in what we do, regardless of work or play, just be yourself and enjoy. Yay (to quote Sarah).

Blogged and off.

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