Saturday, September 02, 2006

Bak Kua - a taste of the tropics

Those who have been to Singapore would have walked past some shops with smoke billowing out of a charcoal barbecue. It's a local delicacy - Bak Kua in Hokkien dialect and Long Yok in Cantonese. But it's delightful in any language. It's made from mince pork marinated in a mix of secret ingredients. The recipe is as sacred as the Coco Cola recipe. Of course my recipe is unlike the real thing but when you are 7,000 km from the shops that sell, this will do.
It's takes a long to prepare and make but extremely fast to eat. I know there are Aussies currently working in Doha salivating over this serve. Emm... I'd promise I make up for it when you guys get back.

1 comment:

s said...

Oh now that's a little cruel! I wasn't missing pork until you posted that.

Could go a good char siew rice right now too...

Oh well. Pasta it is! Funny thing is that I'm buying Australian beef over here. Small world.