Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Picked up at 2am!

Bags ain't pack and not ready to go. Didn't the song go "All my bags are packed and I am ready to go..." That's John Denver hit. Boy am I showing my age!

It's just a couple more turns of the clock and we jet off to Tokyo and then to China for a 25 day sojourn tracing the route of Marco Polo. This has been a destination I have always dreamt of visiting. The best places in the world to enjoy are often the remotest. We start from Xian and head North-West to the city of Lanzhou. From Lanzhou we make our way to Turpan. Along the way we get to see some old Walls. To fully understand how and why emperor Nasi Goreng built this incredible wall to keep the rabbits out! (this is a story only current residents of Australia will understand) It is after this city where the journey takes on a different perspective: places like Kulca, Kuqa and Asku. These towns or cities are predominantly Muslims. Uygurs and yurts.
I hope to finish packing before the cab arrives in 20 hours time. 2am! Why bother going to bed. There is always something to do. Like blogging!

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