Friday, October 27, 2006

The sorting begins

It is now the calm after the storm. A whirlwind of almost a month of exploration and learning the history of a civilisation that pre-dates the birth of Christ.

With around 3500 plus images (how can anyone take so many photos!) and 10 hours of video to edit, the pressure is on to have the album finished and the video completed by 19th November for a dinner show and tell. So far I have been through the first culling of images but as I wade through the images, I struggle to remember the location. Just as well I bought a book of the region.

I have to go through a second and third culling of the images before I feel I have the best images for the trip. Some of which are on my .mac website:

Slowly, the body is getting back into work mode. But I cannot help but reminisce about the people I have met in Xinjiang. But I suppose life goes on...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing the pics when you're ready :)
