Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Back in time for the back to go

It is incredible after almost a month in China, lugging camera gear along the Ancient Silk Road, every thing was fine.
The body has begun to get back into the work mode. Things seemed to be bobbing along until this Monday.

It was a corporate golf day organised by my client and I knew I couldn't play because of my bad right shoulder. I was commissioned to be the official photographer at the signature ninth hole.

The tripod was set and the camera in focus. The groups came past and I took photos of them. After a few groups had passed, I decided a change of lens would create a more dramatic image. I squatted, something I learnt in China, to change the lens. Suddenly I felt the lower back gave way and excruciating pain ensued. I was picked up by the groundsman who took me back to the club house and laid at the locker room for a couple of hours.

I managed to drive home and the decided if I should go the hospital. I had a couple of panadine tablets and went off to bed. I had a morning briefing which I could not miss.

I drove to the office and it took me 15 minutes to get up 2 flights of stairs. I had to see a doctor after that to make sure that it was not anything worse. By his prescription of panadine forte I was reassured that it was a bad sprain I had inflicted on my back. Just as well I am back in Australia and not in Keurle or Kuche or Aksu or Urumqi.

I think a few days on my back and starring at the ceiling will be good for the healing. So this looks like back to back rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should see my osteo when it's a bit better. He's amazing!