Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A whirlwind trip to Singapore

It wasn't too long ago I was a Tullamarine airport. Tomorrow I find myself heading out north to the isle of Singapore. It's a trip to catch up with old friends, attend a wedding, meeting clients and even get to vote in the Victorian elections at the Australian High Commission in Napier Road.

Napier Road - what memories it bring back having live opposite the Aussie High Commission for 5 years. It is unfortunate that my camera is at the camera clinic getting fixed. It will have to be the compact camera for this trip. Pauline has even given me a list of beads to buy for her. That will be a test. So it to that little bead shop in Arab Street.

All these activities in 3 days. But like I said, I only need a hour in Singapore and I would have bought everything I need. The tough part is having to pay for the items when I return.

May be the hawker centres may not be such a bad idea. After all, there is only so much food you can eat. The first order of the day is a kilo of "Long Yok" - sweet barbecue pork slice. Yumm. Sorry Sarah. Your turn will come in February.

Well have to fly.

Friday, November 10, 2006

God's grace - my teacher from the west

I like to share a couple of friends who have taught me what God's grace was all about. David and Jan Boan.
I am both encouraged and excited that a good friend, John is dragging the Boan's into the 21st century arena by starting up a podcast post for them.
Last I heard John has even invested in a couple of podcast books to ensure that this happens.
When it is up, no doubt John and I shall let you know both the website and the podcast details.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

ipod therefore ipod

I have often wondered what was life like before the ipod. It was the CD players that played mp3 music. The CDs held a maximum of 80 - 100 songs (wow) depending on the length of each song. Then there were walkman players with cassette tapes. Then history begins to fade a little. I believe there was a void where mobile music was unheard of. (pardon the pun) There was the vinyl singles of the 60 and early 70s.

The Apple ipod. I ought to be careful here lest this reads like a testimonial for Apple ipods. However, with a 80Gb capacity, I have loaded up my entire collection of music and more. My favourite is subscriptions to audio and video podcasts. Suddenly the world of information is condensed into a palm size unit and I love it.

I know Sarah too have just received her ipod. I must confessed previously I did have a 60Gb ipod. But since I convinced my best friend and soulmate, my wife to have one for podcasts, Pauline has taken the next step into this technology. (YES)

I tend to miss Andrew Denton's Enough Rope most weeks but the video podcast have saved the night. Now I have the entire series.

Aside from this, a mate of mine is working hard in helping a teacher of God's grace to post podcasts of his teachings. This will enable the world to have access to David's teachings. No more burning of audio CDs. (John Y will be happy).

I saw the launch of microsoft Zune. Emm it's not an ipod is it.

Plug in I say. (Yay, as Sarah would say)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Back in time for the back to go

It is incredible after almost a month in China, lugging camera gear along the Ancient Silk Road, every thing was fine.
The body has begun to get back into the work mode. Things seemed to be bobbing along until this Monday.

It was a corporate golf day organised by my client and I knew I couldn't play because of my bad right shoulder. I was commissioned to be the official photographer at the signature ninth hole.

The tripod was set and the camera in focus. The groups came past and I took photos of them. After a few groups had passed, I decided a change of lens would create a more dramatic image. I squatted, something I learnt in China, to change the lens. Suddenly I felt the lower back gave way and excruciating pain ensued. I was picked up by the groundsman who took me back to the club house and laid at the locker room for a couple of hours.

I managed to drive home and the decided if I should go the hospital. I had a couple of panadine tablets and went off to bed. I had a morning briefing which I could not miss.

I drove to the office and it took me 15 minutes to get up 2 flights of stairs. I had to see a doctor after that to make sure that it was not anything worse. By his prescription of panadine forte I was reassured that it was a bad sprain I had inflicted on my back. Just as well I am back in Australia and not in Keurle or Kuche or Aksu or Urumqi.

I think a few days on my back and starring at the ceiling will be good for the healing. So this looks like back to back rest.