Friday, March 09, 2007

Magical Gems of a bygone era

Last Saturday I was invited to a MG Car Club Concours at the Como Park. I do not own a MG but seeing the owners and their restoration was a treat in itself. I went around taking photos of MGs as I think I know how (Room for improvement). Those who are interested to see more can see it here.
By the end of the day, I noticed there was a for sale sign on a MGC TC? (it's a V6) which was tempting, but the lack of knowledge of anything mechanical brought home the reality of owing a historical marque. I'd be better off being the owner of just the images of an MG. Vroom Vroom. Mmmmm Geeees I wish I have one.

1 comment:

Tour De Porter said...

Good Afternoon Casey long time.
I just decided to catch up on your Blog site and read the comment about the MG car club. My Dad has an MG and is a big member of the club and goes on many weekend trips with his friends he has met in the club. He really enjoys it. He has an MGB from new and loves it allot. He also is in Advertising wit his own design studio for many many years (35yrs).
Hope you and the family are well and staying strong. Keep up the good work. Chat soon