Monday, March 19, 2007

Vroom Vroom

Last weekend was the start of the F1 GP calendar. I was generously given a ticket to the J0nes stand by my nephew from Perth. My brother and most of his kids (adults ticket remember) flew over for the race.
Sometimes I wonder why would anyone spend $600 (free for me) and sit in the sun the whole day to watch cars go round and round. Well, if you don't get it you never will. Motor racing is a passion that does not require any explanation. The excitement of the race, the speed, the noise and the atmosphere. Many patronise the GP because of the grid chicks. I attend because I like it.
Some of the images of Saturday are available for view at Picasa:

There were cars, many cars but the people was just as captivating.

We race on to the next race - in Sepang Malaysia.

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