Thursday, December 04, 2008

It's been along time…

The last time I blog was 10 months ago. Time has just gone past so fast. As I sit in Knox Private Hospital and write, Pauline is resting just an arm's length away.
Her pancreatic cancer is now non responsive to treatment.
In my opinion, pancreatic cancer is the most ruthless cancer. There are not many trial happening for this cancer. Partly because pancreatic cancer is so ruthless.
In May of this year, while I was searching for pancreatic cancer on the web, I came across "The Last Lecture" on youtube. It was inspirational -
I then joined PanCan - This is an organisation born or Randy Pausch's legacy. I urge to support this organisation so that there may be a solution to this disease.
There is not a lot I can do for my soul mate, Pauline, except to pray for God's peace and thank Him for his generous blessings.
Until we meet again.

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