Friday, August 18, 2006

Friday is flagging day

Isn't great to come to the end of the week where you know that the weekend is just another working day! Emmm not sure about that! All the jobs are like ducks in a row ready to be flagged off. More change, more flagging, for changes and more flagging. I hope some one is on top of this.

This Friday is also a flagging day – to flag Sarah off to Doha! Ha ha. Why am I happy I hear you ask? She's not going anywhere else except to a DO work at a HAppy place. Gees this sounds really bad. So bad I ought to have erased it, but then no one else ould know.

Opps more changes are coming and I have to flag them off.

so I shall flag this blog off for now.

1 comment:

s said...

Here's to eating pork and cool weather!