Monday, August 14, 2006

I hear the question… why?

Well, my daughter, Sarah, talked me into blogging. As she heads off to Doha and Pauline and myself to the Silk Road, communication between Xinjiang and Qatar is going to be a challenge, albeit, the mobile is always an easy option.

As I type my first post, I am still struggling with your question why me blogging I didn't know what blog stands for until I found the courage to ask Sarah. Now I know - it's short for weblog. Somehow I believe it will all fall into place and everything will look slick and professional…one day. By then the world and its technology will have moved on. But history is good.

I will have to learn how to post images and spend night tapping out words to form sentences that mean something. Given my typing speed is at a meteoric 40 minutes, I will be relying on the good 'ol bullet point.

So until I have someting relevant to write, so blog for now.

1 comment:

s said...

Welcome to the World of Blogging Dad! May you have many hours of happy posting.

Your blog will look much slicker than mine in no time!
