Friday, August 25, 2006

Washed Out… maybe Not

It was planned a week ago that a group of us from work would arm ourselves with a digital camera and venture to the National Gallery and experiment with some night photography. The weather forecast last night was for rain. But knowing Melbourne, maybe the rain would cease by night fall. But it was not to be. It rained the entire day. This was good as Victoria's reservoirs are only averaging 46% full, or 54% consumed one way or another.

The day panned out to be just another day where one job led to the next and the next. The body was crying out for some much needed sushi. It seems to be doing that a lot - crying out for Japanese food. I've been having Japanese food for the last month!! I can even recognise if I get the same bowl when I get served. It's rather sad. But the food is good. Well it's that Omega-3 oil that is good for the body.

I was very happy to connect up with Sarah in Doha via Skype. I looked a little silly trying to speak into my laptop. Must remember to buy a head set. Fortunately, Sarah couldn't hear me and we ended typing our conversation at 40 words a minute. After trying to match Sarah's typing speed, my fingers were cramping and it was then I decided to pick up the phone. It was just great. My fingers were happy joy!

With the evening washed out. Plan B was to get to Pacific Seafood Restaurant in Richmond for a roast duck for dinner. Why they sell roast duck at a seafood restaurant is another story. I ended out buying more than just the duck - roast pork and "Char Siew" barbecue pork. I walk past a butcher shop and ended up inside buying 2 kilos of mince pork to make my special Singapore 'bak kua' or barbecue pork (no not Char Siew). I can never make enough to share. I eat as I cook them and by the time I finish making it, it's also finished.

The evening was quiet and peaceful. so peaceful that I fell asleep in the study. I was woken by Pauline to give her a hand to take some photos of her latest stuffed critters (bears and echidnas and seal pup)

In the end, everything fell into place. I did get to do a little photography, taking shots of little bears and the state's reservoirs got their fill albeit a couple of cc! The catchment areas always seem to be in the wrong place when it rains.

Tomorrow is frantic Friday. A couple of frantic meetings and hopefully it unwinds into the weekend. May be the 'Heating serviceman" for my parents house may call. May be not. But one thing is for sure. When my eyes opens and the clock says 11am, yay it's slowly starts… super Saturday.

Logging off the blog for now.

1 comment:

s said...

You're just showing off with your bbq pork!

I on the other hand have "Magic Corn - Discover the Magic" Essentially corn with butter in a polystyrene cup but oh so good with the garlic salt they added!