Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Time to slow down...

At the beginning of November, I thought I was going to have an easy couple of months leading to Christmas. I thought wrong. It ended up with the PDA filling up with meetings and lunch and dinner appointments. There were so much to do and so little time. I nearly fell into the state of doing a little of everything and end up with having nothing done.
I reassessed my situation and drew up a priority list. Not sure about the priority as the projects were all required at the same time. Well the time of day seemed a good measure of which jobs ad to be attended to first. Emm, it's lunch time already. Have not received the changes to the alterations. I am uncertain if I am time poor of a just a poor chap who is desperately running out of time. I think the latter. nevertheless, it's Christmas time and it's a time to rejoice and be merry even though there's still a couple of jobs with crazy dead lines.
I am looking forward to the weekend when I can really slow down. Or can I? I have not bought any Christmas shopping for food. Well there's always 2007 when I can start again.
Merry Christmas to all my fellow bloggers and have a thought of those people who are displaced and lonely. My hope is for each one of us to take time to help those who cannot help themselves.

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