Friday, December 01, 2006

Why is it?

It is normal that whenever I am in Singapore, I am in my tee shirts and shorts. And I have always believed that people who wait for a cab or even a limo at the cab rank will get a ride. Historically, every time Pauline and myself wait for a cab and a limo turns up, we are always told they are busy. So we wonder why do they bother turning into the cab rank.

However, this recent trip to Singapore open my eyes to another facet to how we deal with fellow brothers and sisters.

It was a formal reception I had to attend at the Conrad Centennial, a pretty fancy hotel in the Marina area. I was staying in a hotel near Chinatown. Uncomfortably dressed in my Hugo Boss outfit, I ventured to the lobby and stood at the cab rank to wait for a cab. No cabs came. A Mercedes limo turned up and asked where I was going. I told him I was waiting for a cab to take me to the Conrad. The limo driver said he'll take me. I politely declined as I did not see the requirement of a limo to the venue. The driver continued to persuade me that the rates are same as normal cab rates. So I got in.

During the journey, I quiz the driver their choice of clientele. He naturally said that they are always busy and are on call. I said to the driver, there were times when I was casually dressed, going to a colleague's home for a lunch, willing to pay any amount because I was running late, and a limo would not pick me up. All of 8 times at my last recollection. Well may be they were busy but I love a good conspiracy. At the destination, I gave the driver a hefty tip and told him that if I was in my tee shirt and shorts, I would have triple that tip.

I hope my concepts are misguided and misinformed. Any way the dinner was sensational. But that's another story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Doha all the limo drivers are happy to pick anyone up. I guess it's different here though because there's so little public transport and not everyone can afford a car.

Glad to hear you're safe and sound.
