Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Cake supplied...

Pauline did not wish to celebrate her birthday with an elaborate dnner. As all men do, we comply. But I thought at least we can have a cake.

Every Tuesday evenings, I conduct a small group bible study so the time for me to celebrate with her was later that evening - lile 11pm.

There was no ready cake mix in the pantry. But (Bing!) an idea. It wasn't the size of the cake but the sentiments. So as you can see it was a fantastic night when I brought out this morsel with a match as a candle. The peanut cake was tough to cut. But all in all, a great night.

We sat and watch Superman but I don't remember watching it because I fell asleep.

After 27 years, she is still my best friend and I love her so.

Moral of the story: Never put off anything. Love your spouse and friends. Make time and watch things happen.

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