Sunday, February 04, 2007

Half way to 108!

Well I suppose everyone has a day in the year where it reminds you that you have chalked up another 365 days. The day began with yawn and a call from Sarah in Paris. It was a day where I had to show my parents how to operate their cable TV. A day I took Pauline to the hairdressers and a day where I spent an afternoon in the city taking photos of the city. But it's has been along time since the clan had the opportunity to gather at the table for a meal.

When you are half way to 108, you wouldn't want to make an event of it. It was to be a celebration that everyone could make it (Sarah and Gene are excused – still in France). It was a dinner for my parents returning from Canberra; my nephew Aaron for his new job; Jon for his research grant; Julian for his new born - Pablo and also return to Australia; my sister's return from Japan; and all their lovely spouses.

We had a lovely meal at a restaurant by the banks of the Yarra. My jet-lagged sister found time to sneek in a birthday cake. There weren't any cameras but these days of technology meant there was always a cellphone camera. Light was a little dim so to complete the photo, I was lit up by a tiny LCD light. The cake was absolutely devine.

So when I have only been on earth for just under 500,000 hours (19,710 days), one's perspective on life changes some what. While it is important to celebrate the milestone, I believe relationships far outweights our time on earth. The privilege of relating is without favour nor envy (albeit I was shown a beautiful IWC timepiece).

Well I suppose when everyone relates well, it makes this insignificant milestone quite worthy of celebrating – and thanks for the gifts guys.

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