Friday, February 16, 2007

Jia Hui Hwei Jia (Sarah returns home)

There's nothing more exciting than to see your child come home. Especially after they have being out of the country for almost half the year in the Middle East - Doha, Qatar.
It was two night ago when I receive a call from Sarah, just landed in Doha from Paris, with her flight details. It wasn't encouraging to learn that she was on a wait listed in Singapore till 28th Feb before she can get on a flight. The annual Chinese reunion dinner, on the 18th February, was going ahead with her absence.
This morning while I was in a meeting, I received a call from Sarah in Singapore that she was coming home Sunday morning. Her ticket (valid for 6 months) was expiring and she had to depart Singapore for home asap. I suppose this got Emirates to respond and gave her seat on the flight to Melbourne. Unfortunately, Gene and Nick are stuck in Singapore, probably till the 28th Feb. I hope they can get home as soon as possible.
Like I promise Sarah, some home made Char Siew (barbeque pork) is going to be on the menu. I believe Sarah has learn more life's experiences than me at her age. When I was at her age, the only plans I had was how to get a date with a girl. Well how time's changed.
Well, uncertain where her next project will take her, all we are going to do now is to enjoy her company...soon.

1 comment:

s said...

Oh dear where did that photo come from?! :)

It'll be good to be home again. I'm holding you to the char siew!
