Saturday, September 30, 2006


Our journey started at 8.30am. We lost an hour at the start as the local council decided to build height-detecting gantries on bridges. One road had a gantry and we had to turn back. Another had massive road works and we could not cross. We had to circle around the city to find a road west. Finally a taxi driver directed us out. It was a long journey that took around 7 hours. We decided to have a karaoke sing-along to pass the time.

The Uygurs, a minority group, lived in very spartan homes. The elderly are still cheerful and strong. The husk that contains them is slowly falling away. Their weathered faces tell a thousand stories. There are extremely shy people so the greatest respect for them is not to embarrass them by taking photos of them.

The journey was quite uneventful except for some stunning mountain range along the Gobi desert. Along the route, we caught up with the train going from Urumqi (Wulumuchi) to Kashgar (Kashi). The train ride takes 22 hours. From what we can see, the train was chocker block full of country folk going to Kashgar to celebrate China's golden week - National day falls on 1st October. The nation celebrates for a week. All offices and schools are closed. Shops are open though.

After checking into the hotel, we headed off to the biggest grand bazaar of central Asia. Nuts, carpets, musical instruments and the odd kitsch item were on sale. I hope to get to the live stock market on Sunday.

Tomorrow, we are heading 200km towards the Ka La Ku Lake located 4000m up the Karakorum Mountains. Oxygen is required for older travelers. As it’s going to be a long day, an early night is in order. Blog night for now.

1 comment:

s said...

hehe...sounds like your local council is a little like Doha's :)