Saturday, September 02, 2006

My name is not Earl

This is the next and final episode to the heater at my parents' home. A few weeks ago a couple of us had made an attempt to diagnose the condition of the heater but to no avail. Finally the tradesman had to be called in. The first company I contacted never returned my call. My parents were returning on the 9 Sept. With panic beginning to set in, not that it showed, I contacted another company. This company was referred by one of my church mates. So I made it a point to let the company know that I came recommended. Their charges were A$85 for a call out and A$25 per 15 minutes.
Last Friday, a young apprentice, 21 years old, arrived at my parents' home just as I pulled up. He checked the heater unit and gave it a clean bill of health. He suspected the thermostat. Armed with a 5cm sliver of insulated wire, he connected the terminal and concluded, yes, it was the thermostat. He said it is good news. I only have to change the thermostat - A$110. He left to purchase a new thermostat and returned 45 minutes later. Took him 5 minutes to installed it. We spent the next hour in conversation about his goals and aspirations. He had a girlfriend and they pooled their meagre income and rented a house. He intend to save enough and buy a house. I thought at 53 years old, I would have picked up some words of wisdom and I began to share with him. He was in his early 20s - building foundation, 30s - building a career and business, 40s - growing the business, 50s - consolidating the business, 60s - planning for retirement, 70s+ - his life to enjoy. Too many people squander their money when they are young and when they hit 30s, they have to make a real start. They were the same goals he had set. I could tell that he was inspired and encouraged. I was happy for him. In the end, I told him we should go our for dinner when I return from China in October. He passed me the bill and said to me he had taken $100 off the bill.
Well, good thing come to those who do good, my name is Casey


s said...

Glad to hear the heater's sorted and you've made a new friend.

Wish we needed a heater here! I'm just glad my air-con is still working.

Fiona said...

Hey Casey, it's Fi here. Just thought I'd drop you a note and let you know that I like your blog very much! :) I also have to tell you that Mark and I will be moving into a little house very close to 'Wong's Place' in about two weeks! yay! Mum and Dad are very happy that we shall still be very close to them.
I hope you and Pauline are both well. lots of love, Fi