Friday, September 08, 2006

RUSH... RUSH...And it's just the sound of jet engines!

It seems that time flies more quickly the harder we work. When we are in a hurry, it also seems that everyone else around is holding us up. Especially on the roads. Unfortunately, I have been in this state of work for many years. It's not something to be proud off. Nevertheless, it's something I've chosen to do. I enjoy what I do. Uncertain about what I really do but I enjoy it any way! Emm... I'll think about this later.

Today, I believe in working smart and playing hard. I enjoy travel too much to give it away. After all you never know when your time is up. What's is the point of literary working yourself to the ground and fall sick. Spike Milligan in Monty Python has a show where his epitaph read "I told you I was sick!" And there is always someone else to do your job. What brought upon this? Just look at Steve Irwin. A man at his prime can suddenly lose his life. So be all you can be and do all you can too. And enjoy it.

In 5 days time, the light at the end of my tunnel is not an oncoming train but stars in the sky as the plane lifts off at 6.00am to Tokyo on route to Xian, China, and the start of my sojourn on the ancient Silk Road. Suddenly, as I sit here blogging, waiting for markups from my client in Santiago, it doesn't seem so bad at all. Fasten your seat belts.

1 comment:

s said...

Argh! I can't believe you're leaving for China so soon! Good to hear you've got the dogs sorted out though.
